Heirloom-Quality European Sheepskins

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These sheep get roam roam hills and meadows, rather than in barns and stalls. The skins are rescued from the processing facility and utilized so that no part of the animal goes to waste at the end of its life, which also means that the sheep were not raised solely for the sheepskins. Sheepskins have been used for centuries and have been a way to honor the life of the animal while also providing shelter, bedding, and clothing for families. No sheep are harmed for their skins, rather the skins are used as a way to honor the full life cycle of the animal by processing an heirloom item that will last for decades to come. I chose European sheepskins because of the standard found in Europe. Sheep freely wander pastures and fields, and I wanted to be sure the wool was not sprayed or harmed in any way by harsh pesticides sprayed on nearby fields.


Lanolin is a waxy substance that is secreted by the sheep to coat the wool fibers. Lanolin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits. With how these sheepskins are tanned, some of the lanolin is still in tact which produces a soothing scent. Wool itself has a high frequency, or measurement of energy, measured around 5,000 mHz. Higher frequencies help to alleviate stress on the body and can raise lower frequencies that come from sickness. Sheepskins have also been used in some NICU units for preemies to help regulate their body temperature. Many customers have reported deeper sleep, diminished back and body pain, and more when using our sheepskins! Our sheepskins are tanned using salt and vegetable-based oils and products. They are free from lead, heavy metals, and more that are commonly found in commercial sheepskins.


When properly cared for, sheepskins can last a lifetime and beyond. Leather has been used since the beginning of time, as has wool, and sheepskins were used for bedding, housing, making boots and moccasins, and so much more. With a bit of special care, you can pass the sheepskin along to your children and their children. Download our free sheepskin care guide to learn how to keep your sheepskin fresh and clean, and to help it last as long as possible! These sheepskins can be used as rugs, as a cozy addition to your bedding, as a throw over your couch or favorite chair, as padding for your car seat on long roadtrips, as bedding for your furry friends, and so much more.

Download our FREE Sheepskin Care Guide PDF here!

The Sheepskin Shop

Read what our customers have to say about our sheepskins!

  • Have to tell you this also. I'm 13 weeks pregnant and a daily afternoon nap is a must to survive the day. I got the large sheepskin yesterday and I lay my head on it and cozied up. Oh my goodness...sheepskin naps are no joke. I fell asleep so deeply on my couch...and even when my kiddos woke me a couple times while playing beside me on the floor, I would fall back asleep so easy. I could vouch. Sheepskin naps are the real deal!


  • [It] helps my son sleep better at night, is ridiculously warm, and relieves aches and pains for me.


  • I bought one of your sheepskins earlier this year while I was pregnant and now my baby girl sleeps on it daily! The small size fits her bassinet perfectly. Just wanted to share that we love it!


  • Oh my goodness!! I slept on one last night and it was the best sleep I have had in a long time. My husband thinks I'm nuts but I'm a full believer!!! So glad I was able to snatch one for all of us!


  • I wanted to let you know...my granddaughter would not sleep longer than 30 minutes at nap time. Now she is sleeping anywhere between 2 to 3 hours on her sheepskin. I am telling everyone about them!


  • Cuts fevers in HALF. Warms you better than a blanket.


  • I first bought a square chair pad (square sheepskin) to see what the hype was about. When driving in a car I get terrible leg pain from sitting on my right cheek all the way down my leg. I end up driving sitting cockeyed on my left side. This weekend I drove on a little road trip four hours there and back sitting on the square. I did not have any leg hip pain at all. When I would get out of the car at stops, I did not have to limp around and walk it out....I am telling everyone! It blows my mind how this works. I have never ridden in a car without pain.


  • It has helped with my excess amount of Braxton Hicks I get while pregnant!


  • Much deeper sleep [when sleeping on a sheepskin.] You get up feeling like you had a good night's sleep.


  • The temp regulating is legit! I sleep on it when my husband is gone overnight for work.


  • I literally feel like it instantly relieves the tension from my body when I use it.


  • Mine came today and I'm 100% sleeping on it and bringing it with me everywhere. It's. So. Cozy. And such amazing quality.


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